First night in Paris. Ridiculous start.

Written at 2am in Charle-de-Gaulle airport, Paris

Everything has started so well… Now the previous post looks ridiculous. But will write everything in order.

My departure to Paris would be at 22-40. The flight was delayed. For 2 hours (estimated) – exactly that amount of time that I needed to catch RER and metro to the city in time and have a cup of tea with Amalia.

Well, let it be. We arrive at 00-25. Bla-bla, riding around the airport, waiting for a bag… time was passing. But! – still there’s a chance to catch RER, as it’s written in my old guidebook: the last train leaves at 1-15. Long walk in order to find staircase downstairs that leads me to the station. It’s 1-00. Bingo?

No fucking way! There are reconstructions  held on RER exactly in CDG and exactly this summer.  So trains stop going at 23-00. Night at the airport has become a reality. I’m tired and hungry. All the flight I dreamt about yogurt that I had in my big backpack. Time to have  dinner?

No fucking way! I notice that all bag is covered with yogurt!!!  Perhaps, airport workers threw it on a floor, and the pack flopped.  Praising God that notebook (that is on the top of the bag) is in a good cover, I forget about hunger and transfer to the city and head to WC. As a small compensation od a “horror”, I brush my teeth. Finita la comedia. Drop the curtain.

At the moment my bagpack is almost clean (at the  first glance), I’m still hungry but mood is good. Finally feel myself on way : )

P.S.  And that’s only the firsts night in Paris! What will be further?

3 thoughts on “First night in Paris. Ridiculous start.”

  1. Ну, сумка могла просто потеряться на перроне во время транспартировки до/от борта, по ней могли проехаться и т.д., могла просто упасть с ленты во время загрузки/выгрузки с борта (из опыта наблюдений на перроне).
    Задержка рейса на 2 часа, так чего ты хотела – low-cost company (наверняка им летела).


    1. Привет, Миш)) ну да, лоу-кост, конечно – EasyJet : ) В общем-то, все и не так ужасно. Даже скорее забавно, особенно в начале путешествия. И закончилось все, конечно, happy end. Или, скорее, happy beginning, если учесть масштабы “плана” : )


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