Survive in Paris

120 euros, 4 hours. My first Parisien salary. Not bad, a?

I was posing as a model for a sculptor from Montmartre. Actually that wasn’t really a work: we had fun, conversations, listened to good music. That’s was a pleasant time, and I got a new friend.

Today I’ll write some things about “survival” in Paris. Not about earning but about not spending much.

I’m a budget traveler and spend only on the most necessary issues, like food.

If not to pay for the hotel or hostel (prices on accomodation in French capital kill all “benefits”), stay at couchsurfer’s or friends’ place, there are some options how to save your funds for upcoming trip.


1. Choose supermarkets that are the cheapest. “Leader Price”, “Fran Pris” (more expensive than the first one).

2. In some days open product markets are held in almost all disticts. They work till 12 or 14pm. Generally they are more expensive than “Leader Price”. But if you come before the closing you can be lucky to buy a couple of boxes of something tasty just for 1 euro 🙂

3. Sales is a big deal! Shops reduce prices in half. By the way, just now there’re sales starting around the city.


Illegal tip!!! Only for your responsibility!

Use transport for free. It’s possible with all means.

METRO: – on some stations there’re iron gates that are open – just pull them.

– In Paris it’s normal to ask someone to pass with him/her. Be polite.

– Sometimes it’s possible to enter from the exit. If exit is just a door that passengers push from a side of a station, you can hold a door and pass inside. Exits could be separate or in the same hall as the entrance.

– There’re often gates and turnstiles that do not work. Easy to use.

– As long as (most of the time) there’s no control on stations you can just jump over the turnstile. People in “information” section don’t care, that’s not their business.

ABOUT CONTROLS: there’re some of them from time to time. They can be around the corner or upstairs so before passing or jumping without ticket look around. FINES are HIGH in Paris, fine is 40 EUROS. Ticket cost 1.70 for metro (+numerous bus rides in one hour).

Controlers wear official grey suits and green ties. People in bright green uniform are security guards, they do not check tickets.

RER: the same tips as about metro. Here you need a ticket not only for getting in but getting out too. But that’s not that huge problem – you can easily pass after someone. I used to pass with a drum after people with huge luggage on Gard du Nord – and there was enough time for everyone.

BUS: just make view you have a card. Drivers open only the first door of the bus, near driver’s cabin. There’s a automat where you check-in your card. Just put a hand on it or something and pass. It makes sound but noone cares.

I met controlers on the north of the city (Jaures, La Chapelle). As my friend told me, there’re poor quaters on the north that’s why controls are quite often. In RER controls were present on La Defence on a festival day.

Better to buy a ticket going to Charle-de-Gaulles airport by stright RER line. And sometimes controls check night buses too (that happened to me once on Montparnass).


DISNEYLAND… you can visit for free. Come to the park in the middle of the say and ask people who leave it for a ticket. Ticket works numerous times for entrance so you can use it again.

Some tickets work for several days, some just for one. There’re tickets that include hotel. There’re tickets that include entrance for only one park and for both. All tickets are name.

The park has too divisions: one is more for children, after famous cartoons. Other includes attractions that will be interesting for grown-ups.

There’re controls on turn-gates to parks but they check tickets selectivly. So don’t make stops, just pass without talking to them. If you are stopped, can be asked for name (that you can’t know ‘coz it’s not written on the ticket, only in electronic base of the park), if ticket includes hotel or not.

Better to ask ticket that matchs your age: for grown-ups or children.

This is the way to save 70 euros per person : )


Come after 15 minutes after the film has started (advertising time. Controlers could stay near the main entrance to the cinema or be absent) and ask to use a toilet. After that pass to the cinema hall. You’re be right on time!

2 thoughts on “Survive in Paris”

  1. По поводу продуктовых рынков и часа до закрытия, был на таком в Гамбурге, там он называется Фишмаркт, но продают там не только рыбу, под конец все продавцы так же начинают продавать свой товар за 1 Евро :).
    По поводу нелегальных поездок на транспорте – а-я-яй, как так, не хорошо плохому людей учить, вот почитают тебя, а потом винить будут, когда им штраф впаяют. Тут ведь как повезет, вот ехали мы на прошлой неделе из Франкфурта в Кёльн на скоростном поезде, купили билет (122 евро за двоих в одну сторону), а контролера не было, зато потом на всех поездках у нас билеты проверяли.


    1. Я же пишу – под свою ответственность. Ты не представляешь, сколько денег мне это экономит! Я уже столько мест в Париже объездила. И там действительно эта транспортная “доступность” эксплуатируется активно. Так что не надо нагнетать атмосферу, не маленькие дети)


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